Life Vitality: Kat’s Reflections

#LearnAndGrow: The Key to Staying Young and Vibrant ⭐️

Albert Einstein once said, “Once you stop learning, you start dying.” Those words resonate deeply with me as a lifelong learner. Curiosity, awe, and surprise fuel my days, keeping me young at heart and vibrant in mind. My passion for learning recently led me to join Strategic Coach (SC), a transformative program that expands my awareness and pushes me to grow. 

For the next year, I’m part of a remarkable cohort of 38 business leaders from around the globe. We gather quarterly in person in LA to deep dive into our work and lives, and we meet virtually to brainstorm and connect. It’s a unique blend of learning, growth, and camaraderie that energizes me. 

One of the biggest shifts since joining SC has been adopting a Time System that categorizes each day as a Buffer Day, Focus Day, or Free Day. 

  • Buffer Day: A 24-hour period to prepare for Free and Focus Days. It’s when I clean up messes, delegate tasks, and acquire new capabilities. 
  • Focus Day: A day fully devoted to my top three revenue-generating activities. It’s all about productivity and driving results. 
  • Free Day: A day where I disconnect entirely from business—no emails, no texts, no Slack. It’s a day for rest, rejuvenation, and personal joy. These are my favorite days, but they’re also the hardest to make happen. 

This Time System has been a powerful way to focus my time, energy, and creativity on producing my best results. It’s a structured approach that brings out the best in me, both personally and professionally. 

I’d love to hear about your experiences with learning and growth. How do you structure your time to maximize your potential? 

Connect with me at 

Let’s share and grow together!  🌱

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